Who is Nora Alvarez?
My name is Nora Alvarez, I live in San Sebastian (Spain), I am 14 years old and I am a very happy person.
What is surfing in your life?
For me, surfing is a way to enjoy nature with my friends. I have been playing surfing since I was 3 years old.
Describe yourself as a surfer
I like free surfing, but I also really enjoy the championships, new beaches are discovered, and I am lucky to have many friends from different places.
What is your Glassing Monkey quiver?
My magic surfboard is Matt Penn’s Zero II 5’2″ in EPS RRFLEX but I also use Emery’s Black Angel 2 in 5’2″. I will test more models coming soon..
What is your advice to someone who wants to order a surfboard?
If you want to order a surfboards in Glassingmonkey, let yourself be advised. The team manager, Hector Medina, always advises me and is always right.